Performing Arts Center of Viera | February 14-16, 2020
Written By Augusta Williams, Jr.
Directed By Nancy Matican-Bock and Michael Fiore
Asst Director Jazmin Garcia
Cast: Julian DeSantis,Stephan George,Jamaal Augustave,Jeff Gallo,Angelina Koczur-Shank, David Jackson & Leslie Roth.
Written By John Torres
Directed By Nancy Matican-Bock
Asst Director Jazmin Garcia
Cast: Terrance Girard,David Hill,Leslie Roth
What inspires our ideas? What if ideas and thoughts could be influenced even before we were born?
Written by Erika Robinson
Directed By Arlan Ropp
Cast: Mitch Abrams, Mario Busacca, & Karen Monks
A timely one-act play that centers around three comrades’ viewpoints on social unrest in America.
Surfside Playhouse | February 3, 2019
Written By Nancy Andrews
Directed By Mario Busacca
Cast: Lisa Farrall, Maria Alvey, & Chris Pino
A view of a modern family going through age old problems.
Written by Ken Byrnes
Directed by Alison Shugars
Cast: Kevin Hurley, Joel Shugars, Doug Sontag, Chris Tsocanos, Dorothy Wright
A journey down memory lane offers alternate endings to famous movies of the past
Surfside Playhouse | September 28-30, 2018
Written By Augusta Williams, Jr.
Directed By Robert Matson
Cast: Keenan Carver, Juan Agudelo, Lisa Farrall, Corinne Marie, & Angelina Shank
A 1700’s American slave is confronted by Death to judge his life’s deeds to determine if he has lived well enough to go to heaven. This story served to motivate his descendant, Martin Luther King Jr.
Written By: Kathryn C Flanagan
Directed By: Chris Tsocanos
Cast: Leslie McGinty, SarahBeth Dawson
The story of a guarding angel who watches over a lady during her dreams.
Written by Kim Ruyle
Directed by Nancy Matican-Bock & David Hill
Cast: Nancy Matican-Bock, David Hill
Strangers do the mating dance during an unscheduled layover at an airport.
Surfside Playhouse | May 11-13, 2018
Written By Lisa Farrall
Directed By Robert Matson & Leslie Roth
Cast: Sharyn Tsocanos & Tina Coppock
Old friends reunite on a camping vacation to find that though their lives have grown apart, their friendship survives the test of time
Written By William Roeder
Directed By: Nancy Matican-Bock & Peggy McRoberts
Cast: Alex Jackson, Michael Fiore, & Angelina Koczuk
This sci-fi story explores future issues of humans abusing robots.
Written By Frank Merceret
Directed By Arlan Ropp & Leslie Roth
Cast: Becky Behl-Hill, David Hill,& Addison Hunt
Surfside Playhouse | October 6, 2017
Written By William Roeder
Directed By Mike Mellen
Cast: Rick Moore, Donna Moore, Michael Fiore, Ron Knox, & Jason Mellen
A sci-fi surprise tells of space creatures looking at mankind’s evolution level.
Written By Leslie Roth
Directed By Robert Matson
Cast: Dee Quinn, Michael Fiori, Matt Hall, & Anthony Travis O’Bier
Drama of an older couple desperately seeking to escape from an unhappy family.
Written By William Roeder
Directed By Arlan Ropp
Cast: Leslie Roth, Chris Tsocanos, & Joel Shugars
Non -stop laughs built around the idiots we all see at work.
Surfside Playhouse | May 12-14, 2017
Written By Bonnie Galloway
Directed By Robert Matson
Cast: David Bondy, Michael Fiori
A student struggling to read Shakespeare is visited by the bard’s ghost that shows Shakespeare’s massages are timeless
Written by Robert Matson
Cast: Maria Evangeline Alvey, Leslie Roth, Matt Hall, Wolfgang Tyler Mattingly
This fast paced comedy follows a young man’s confusion with sexual issues.
Surfside Playhouse | February 3-5, 2017
Written By Mario Busacca
Directed By Arlan Ropp
Cast: Kirk Murphy, Leslie Roth, Matt Hall, Kevin Hurley
Scientists are aghast when Christopher Columbus comes back from the new world and announces the world is round.
Surfside Playhouse | September 8-30, 2016
Written by Betty Prisendorf
Directed By Mike Mellen
Cast: Leslie Roth, Anthony Travis O’Bier, Michael Fiori
A con man wrecks havoc in an unsuspecting household.
Written by Kate Schwartz
Directed By Wally Schwartz
An afternoon in a coffee shop leads a person to a major decision in life.
Written By William Moseley
Surfside’s Golden Girls meet to decide what to do with a husband’s remains.